Project Name: Dredging Great Chebeague Island
Value: $1,451,075.00
Dates: 2/2022-4/2022
Client: US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
Contact: Nick Skianes, COR
In the spring of 2022, BAI was contracted to dredge approximately 35,000 CY of maintenance and new work material from the Stone Wharf Channel & Turning Basin at Great Chebeague Island, Maine. The project required the removal of soft maintenance material from the outer channel to an elevation of -10’ MLLW, as well as the creation of a new turning basin to the same controlling depth. Shoreward of the ferry dock, improvement dredging was required to create an extended channel with a final depth of -8’ MLLW. Unprecedented winter storms throughout the month of February 2022 created unsafe offshore conditions and pack ice in the dredge area which disallowed mobilization until March 2022. Despite the delayed start of work, BAI successfully removed 30,500 CY from the project area by the end of the environmental window on April 15, 2022. 100% of the project area was covered, however the scope of the work required alteration as approximately 4,000 CY of previously undiscovered hard packed clay was identified in the shoreward improvement area that was unsuitable for removal by clamshell bucket methods. Despite these unforeseen challenges, BAI managed to maintain a production rate in excess of 21,000 CY per month.